Hvað er í gangi? (athugið! ekki fyrir viðkvæma!)
Ég veit ekki hvort að einhverjir muna eftir því þegar ég skrifaði um hljómsveitina
Prussian blue sem er hljómsveit tveggja krúttlegra 14 ára stúlkna sem búa yfir ríkri „þjóðerniskennd“ og kenna sig við tónlistarstefnuna White nationalist rock. Í þeirra eigin orðum:
Prussian Blue is the combination of 14-year-old twin sisters named Lynx and Lamb. Prussian Blue is also probably one of the most controversial up and coming bands on the music scene today. In a day and age when most bands are working hard to remain within self-imposed limits of Politically Correct Thought, Prussian Blue pushes the envelope. Within the fold of White Nationalist Rock, one of the only true alternatives to the corporate music and recording business, these two little girls have filled thousands of their fans with love and hope for the future. Also, within the pro White genre, they stretch the envelope even more to create and sing songs that are of the unexpected. Personal beliefs and experiaences are delicately woven with upbeat rhythms and poignant lyrics to create something that is guaranteed to catch the listener off guard and create a reaction. Open your heart and your mind to a time and place in the future where Pride in who you are and where you came from, Love for your people and Hope for the future are acceptable for EVERYONE. Open your heart and mind to Prussian Blue!
Fyrir þá sem gagnrýna textana þeirra benda þær á eftirfarandi bull:
To those who claim that Prussian Blue's lyrics are hateful and incite violence, I would like to direct you to the poetry of Nikki Giovanni, the Virginia Tech professor of English and Black studies- who was also, incidently, the professor for Cho Seung-hui, the gunman/student, who shot and killed all those people a few weeks ago. I wonder if that is where he learned his contempt for other races and other people. Nikki Giovanni certainly writes very hatefully of White people. The truth about who does and does not "hate" has never proved an effective restraint for what is written in the mainstream media, nor has it acted as an impetus to action in the professional- victims' groups that target Prussian Blue. http://vdare.com/sailer/070422_giovanni.html Maður heldur oft að þetta sé bara bundið við útlönd og óupplýst fólk sem finnst ekki á Íslandi en fyrir þá sem hafa áhuga á að fræðast um samlanda sem skrifa svona rugl á netið bendi ég á
þessa síðu. Búið ykkur samt undir að reiðast og hafið hugsanlega ælupoka við hendina þar sem mér varð óglatt við þennan lestur!
p.s. Þetta er greinilega vinsælt hljómsveitarnafn, þar sem ég rakst á aðra hljómsveit með sama nafni
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